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DPS board politics

Marrero’s $100,000 corner office: Long live the hierarchy!

Consider the message sent by spending almost $100,000 to deconstruct the egalitarian philosophy that drove Denver Public Schools management for more than a decade. The superintendent’s corner office with a bank of windows looking over downtown and the soundproofing all but scream: ”Stay away. I have no time for the likes of you. And what happens behind that door is none of your damned business.”

Marrero’s $100,000 corner office: Long live the hierarchy! Read More »

As Northeast Denver Innovation Zone folds, DPS takes a parting shot

This coming fall, two of the three zone schools, McAuliffe International and McAuliffe Manual Middle School will revert to district-run schools but operate under their individual innovation plans. The third member, Swigert International, is seeking to join the Luminary Learning Network (LLN),  the last of the original three DPS innovation zones.

As Northeast Denver Innovation Zone folds, DPS takes a parting shot Read More »

Portrait of new Denver school board with Superintendent Alex Marrero, December 2023

Racial politics, redistricting, and the Denver school board

We have board members and community members who speak about injustice, but do little to tackle the injustices that exist with our students’ academic achievement. Two things can happen at once without being in conflict; we can fight historic systems of oppression while also holding all leaders – including Black and brown ones – to account. 

Racial politics, redistricting, and the Denver school board Read More »

Manage like an ostrich: Marrero eliminates principal feedback on his leadership

In years past, school leaders could rate Marrero and other senior leaders on a series of Likert Scale questions. For example: “Overall is an effective leader.” “Is a person whom I trust.” “Models the DPS values.” “Is reflective, open to and grows from feedback.” That opportunity has vanished into thin air.

Manage like an ostrich: Marrero eliminates principal feedback on his leadership Read More »