An elected mayor calling for the board to abdicate its primary constitutional responsibility of hiring a superintendent and former school board members making accusations without evidence only serves to confirm the view of many stakeholders that they can’t count on elected officials to tell the truth or to do the right thing.
As former Denver Mayor Federico Peña and current Mayor Michael Hancock release a statement critical of the school board’s handling of Superintendent Susana Cordova, will the board learn its lesson and alter future behavior?
It is time to begin dismantling existing curriculum anchored in the overrepresentation of Eurocentric thought and perspective. Throughout history, prominent educators such as WEB DuBois, Carter G. Woodson, Paulo Freire and other philosophers of color developed ways for this kind of secondary and post-secondary education to be developed.
A DSST at Noel Middle School parent and staff member describes how the school board’s decision Thursday to delay the high school damages a thriving community. And the divisive comments by a couple of board members rubbed salt in the wound.
The Denver school board’s focus on Black excellence is important, but looks two-faced when board members are ignoring the Black excellence at a Far Northeast Denver charter school.
There is no need to mince words: Remote learning has failed the children who need it most. Districts must pivot immediately or be held to account for their failure.
Let’s cut to the chase: The likely refusal to allow a new DSST high school to open next year is all about the adults.
UPDATED: The Denver school board has decided to postpone its vote on allowing a DSST Rachel Noel High School to open next year. District officials worked this week with board members and DSST leadership to craft a compromise, but were unable to come up with a solution. An agreement satisfactory to all seemed a distant prospect at best.
The recently released school board evaluation of Denver Public Schools Superintendent Susana Cordova is a vague document that sheds light on little more than board members’ divisions over her future.
Pandemic pods raise complex issues, and there are valid arguments in support and opposition.
Boardhawk Podcast Episode 2: School choice window, Youngquist flap, DPS migrant protections
In this episode, Alan Gottlieb and Alexis Menocal Harrigan discuss what they’ll be watching as the Denver Public Schools choice window opens. They also touch briefly on DPS’ vow to protect migrant students, as well as the latest developments in the flap over DPS board member John Youngquist’s objections to possibly illegal executive sessions.